My cousin Adeline – Photography by Shutterbug Elaina #iphone7plusshooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugelaina
My cousin Adeline – Photography by Shutterbug Elaina #iphone7plusshooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugelaina
Selfie – Photography by Shutterbug Damion #iphone7plusshooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugdamion
Elaina – Photography by Shutterbug Journey #iphone7plusshooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugjourney
Steps – Photography by Shutterbug Jayden #fujishooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugjayden
My GiGi! – Photography by Shutterbug Xavier #fujishooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugxavier
Signs of Spring, Terrell, Texas – Photography by Shutterbug Adrianna #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugadrianna
Selfie with Grandma Jeanne – Photography by Shutterbug Damion #iphone7plusshooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugdamion
Damion by Shutterbug Jayden #iphone7plusshooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugjayden
My friend Annie – Photography by Shutterbug Elaina #iphone7plusshooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugelaina
Butterfly GiGi – Photography by Shutterbug Xavier #fujishooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugxavier
The West, Terrell, Texas – Photography by Shutterbug Adrianna #nikonshooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugadrianna
Uncle Jimmy – Photography by Shutterbug Elaina #iphone7plusshooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugelaina
My Gigi – Photography by Shutterbug Xavier #fujishooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugxavier
Auto Carrier from the backseat! – Photography by Shutterbug Damion #fujishooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugdamion
My brother Jordan – Photography by Shutterbug Journey #iphone7plusshooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugjourney
Neighborhood Cat – Photography by Shutterbug Xavier #fujishooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugxavier
Paducah and Louisville Railway, Salute to Our Troops, locomotive, Madisonville, Ky. – Photography by Shutterbug Jayden #fujishooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugjayden
After asking to get on the shoulders of his Uncle Jimmy, Shutterbug Damion captured this shot of an old fire truck named “George” at Nortonville, Ky. – #fujishooter #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterdamion
My cousin Elaina and Uncle Jimmy – Photograph by Shutterbug Journey #iphone7plus #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithacamera #shutterbugjourney
Dandelion – Photo by Shutterbug Adrianna #kidphotographer #kidswithcameras #shutterbugkids #shutterbugadrianna
Grandma and Journey – Photograph by Shutterbug Elaina #kidphotographer #shutterbugkids #kidswithcameras #shutterbugelaina #iphone7plus
Ray, the Fire Chief – Photography by Shutterbug Jayden #kidswithcameras #kidphotographer #fujishooter #shutterbugkids
Xavier, Aunt Chrystal and Buddy – Photography by Shutterbug Damion #kidphotographer #kidswithcameras #kidstakingpictures #shutterbugkids #shutterbugdamion